Are you ready for intensive sales?

"Price increases have been driving retail sales for some months now and purchasing power is in decline. For households, the contraction in spending space will gradually become a reality by the end of the month and its impact is far from being fully felt yet."

This is how the Trade Research Institute (HUI) begins its newsletter on 9 September 2022 and it gives us cause for thought and reflection on our own activities.

How should we act at a time when consumers are choosing carefully what to spend their money on? The answer to this question is of course different depending on the sector your business is in, and you know your customers best and understand their normal behaviour and interaction with you as a brand and a store. The purpose of this text is to remind you of the opportunities that exist on your immediate horizon, and how you can reason about them.

Together we are approaching an intense campaign period

The autumn campaign schedule generally kicks off at the end of October with a Halloween weekend, closely followed by the Chinese Singles' Day weekend on 11/11 and then it's full steam ahead all the way to Christmas and subsequent mid-day sales. We at Wetail have been looking at how relevant these different ones have been over the last few years based on data and statistics we have gathered from the Swedish Commerce Federation and their regular temperature measurement in the "Handelsbarometern".

Below we list the number of days that chains, stores and merchants consider relevant and influence their promotional schedule and turnover.

Some short tips to keep in mind

Campaign calendar

If you haven't already planned your activities for these dates, now is the time to do so!
Feel free to create your own "Campaign Calendar" according to the dates further down the page.

The right services in place

Do you have the right level of hosting and other services?
Do you need to scale up your server and other services during the period to cope with the increased number of visitors? Contact us via support or bring this up in the next sprint meeting with your Project Manager

Do you have all the tools you need?

Is your site ready, do you have the right message on the site and have you packaged the offer for each campaign? Do you need to better put to create campaigns to stimulate sales?


Communicate with your customers in a relevant way where they are!
Newsletters, SMS, Paid Ads, Social Ads and more.


Do you need to reduce manual work to focus on sales and customer service during these weekends? There are a plethora of useful tools for this purpose.


Does your CRM support follow-up for your sales? Are automations set up over the weekends with the right communication?

Lead times!

Consider the lead times of your partners. If you need help from us or another partner, be sure to get in touch as soon as possible - everyone can get busy quickly with deliveries and updates.

Advice or assistance

Get in touch with us to prioritise and plan for busy sales weekends.

Holidays & key dates that traders focus on



8-15% of traders surveyed

31st October


Singles' Day

1-4% of traders surveyed

11th November


Father's Day

11-14% of traders surveyed

13th November


Black Friday & Cyber Monday

30-35% of traders surveyed

25 - 28 November


Christmas Eve

56-63% of traders surveyed

24th December


Lunchtime sale

20-22% of traders surveyed

25 - 31 December


New Year's Eve

27-35% of traders surveyed

31st December

Download the calendar

Download the calendar with all important dates

Contact us

[email protected] | 08 - 643 33 33